Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Laws Of Facebook: Know Them And Abide By Them

Facebook is a single word that has the potential to strike up millions of things in the human mind. Undoubtedly, this is amongst the many impacts made by this social network, which has completely revolutionized how people communicate these days.

The Good, Bad…
However, the overindulgence and dependency of people today on Facebook, has also led to and revealed a darker side of the fun filled social media! Therefore, just like any other technological innovation, Facebook has also had its share of appreciation and criticism. Though, the latter was received, in a quantity larger than the former.

And The Ugly!
The most common, illegal activity taking place on Facebook is, young children lying about their genuine age just to be a part of the most talked about social media. This ratio was estimated to be 7.5 million and counting as per the year 2012.

Besides this, a multitude of other unreported cyber-criminal activities takes place on Facebook every hour. And this has resulted in, increasing the ratio of cybercrimes like; scam, cyber bullying, stalking, defamation, identity theft, harassment, etc., since the launch of Facebook.

Nevertheless, this ratio will keep on increasing and end up becoming a never-ending affair, if no action is taken against it. However, to report a crime one must also be aware that, what’s happening is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE. This document will guide you through 20 such activities taking place commonly on Facebook that are considered illegal by the law!

The Laws of Facebook

Some Commonly Used Terms

A. Sedition

Whoever, whether by words, written or spoken, in signs, visible depiction, or otherwise, brings or tries to bring into contempt or hatred, or agitates or attempts to agitate estrangement from, the Government constituted by the Indian Law, shall either be punished with life imprisonment to which a fine may possibly be added, or with up to three years extendable imprisonments with fine or likely to be added.


Comments that express intense disapproval towards someone/something, don’t add up as an act of sedition, if they:

1 Express, a view of obtaining their modification by lawful means
2 Don’t excite or attempt on exciting contempt, hatred, or disaffection

B. Defamation

The offense of online defamation is considered as an act of insulting, defaming, offending, or causing scathe via false statements, concerning a person on the cyberspace.

A reputation is considered to be harmed if the photo, comment, or the visual depiction acts in the following manner with respect to others:

1. Depreciates the intellectual or moral character of the individual

2. Depreciating a person’s character in regard to his profession or cast

3. Depreciates a person’s honor

4. Making it believable that the addressed person’s body is in a disgraceful condition

C. Sending Electronic Contents That Are Offensive

The Information Technology Act penalizes sending electronic messages that are offensive, under its section 66A. This section covers the following types of posts:

1 Posts that cause anger, resentment, displeasure or are grossly unpleasant in any manner.

2 Posts that threaten or are intimidating

3 A Post containing information which is fake and is sent with the purpose of instigating criminal intimidation, hatred, danger, annoyance, insult, enmity, injury, inconvenience, obstruction, ill will, or danger.

4 Messages or posts sent to purposefully cause inconvenience or annoyance.

5 Messages or posts sent for misleading or deceiving the source of messages.

D. Indecent Representation of Women

Indecent Representation of Women” implies to the depiction of a woman’s figure or body in a way, that is considered to be indecent, denigrating, derogatory, or against the morality of the public.

Comments, posts, pictures, etc., that represent women indecently; are punishable under the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, Section 6.

E. Forgery

Creating an account on Facebook in someone’s name or a fake name, accounts to, developing a fake electronic record which is punishable under the Indian Penal Code Section 464.

Since the account creation was done with a purpose for entering into a contract with the Facebook, this amount to counterfeit under the Indian Penal Code Section 464.

Section 464 applies to situations where a fake account was created with reasons that include any of the following:

1. With the intent of causing injury or damage to the public

2. With the intent of causing harm or damage to a person

3. To enter a contract

4. With the intent of committing a fraud

F. Forgery With the Purpose of Harming a Reputation

The Indian Penal Code Section 469 is penalized if a forge account is created on Facebook with the purpose of hurting someone’s reputation.

G. Posting Obscene Photo/Video

For being considered obscene for the purpose of Information Technology Act Section 67, the subject must at least satisfy any one condition listed below:

1. It must be apt to excite lust, or

2. It must awaken interest in lustful feelings, or

3. It must cause an individual to turn into a morally bad person

The conditions listed above must be fulfilled in respect of an individual who is the potential target of the content.

Exceptions are regarded, if the content of the posted media is done for public benefit in the concern of literature, science, learning, art, or with any other general objective. Further, exceptions are provided also, when the content kept or taken into use for religious purposes or bona fide heritage.

H. Photo/Video Depicting A Sexually Explicit Act

The Information Technology Act Section 67A penalizes the publishing or transmission of content consisting of sexually explicit behavior in electronic form.

Exceptions will be provided, if the content serves for the public good in the interest of art, science, literature, learning, or with any objectives having general concern. Additionally, such cases are considered in exception if the content is kept / used for bona fide heritage or with religious intentions.

I. Photo/Video Depicting Children in Sexually Explicit Act

Information Technology Act Section 67B penalizes publish or transmission of such media with content portraying children involved in a sexually explicit act, in electronic form.

According to the law, the word ‘children’ refers to a person who hasn’t yet completed 18 years of age.

The section 67B penalizes under the following conditions:

Exceptions are made if the content is in the interest of literature, science, art, or of general concern for public good.

Also, exceptions will be provided for content kept for bona fide heritage or with religious aims.


Being displeased of the government and its policies doesn’t give you the authority to ridicule them publicly on Facebook.

Committing such a thing is considered to be a serious criminal offense that could land the offender in imprisonment for life (till death). Ridiculing or marking sarcasm over a Minister or any other Government official, on Facebook could be charged under the following legal philosophies:

1. Sedition

2. Defamation

3. Sending electronic contents that are offensive

In addition to that, if the complaining official or Minister happens to be a woman, then the act could also be covered under the indecent representation of women.

Acts Included

Posts, comments, messages (text / image), etc., done on Facebook, along with sharing or liking of such posts are considered to make someone an offender.

Laws Applied

Indian Penal Code Sections: 124A and 499

Section 66A under the IT Act

Sections 3 & 4 under Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act



Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point A.


Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point B.

Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.

Indecent Representation of Women

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point D.

Other Facts

1. Not only an individual or personality, but even a company, institution, or colleges can               be defamed.

2. Even commenting with sarcasm can add up to defamation.


Everybody has an opinion of their own about people they know personally or otherwise. But sharing an opinion in a disrespectful manner, publicly, on a platform like Facebook is considered illegal.

Committing to such an activity directing to, a celebrity or an individual, whomsoever, can land the offender in jail for up to 3 years.

Acts like these are illegal under the laws listed below:

1. Defamation

2. Sending electronic messages that are offensive

In addition to that, if the victim happens to be a woman, the activity is liable to be covered under ‘Indecent Representation of Women’

Acts Included

Comments, posts, messages, on Facebook or ‘sharing/liking’ of such posts; could lead a person into trouble.

Laws Applied

Indian Penal Code: Section 499

Information Technology Act: Section 66A

Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act: Section 3 and 4



Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point B.

Sending Electronic Messages That Are Offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C
Indecent Representation of Women

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point D.


Ridiculing a religion on Facebook is considered as one of the most severe offenses and could end up imprisoning the offender for up to 3 years. The act is regarded illegal under the laws listed below:

1. Promotion of enmity on the basis of religion

2. Infuriating religious beliefs

3. Injuring religious feelings

4. Sending electronic messages that are offensive

5. Statements or declarations that are prejudicial to national integration

Acts Covered

Posts, comments, or, messages on Facebook or liking/sharing of such posts is sufficient to get you into trouble.

Laws Applied

Indian Penal Code: Sections 153A, 295A, and 298

Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Promotion of Enmity On The Basis Of Religion

A post, comment, cartoon, or photo, etc., that purposefully does the promotion of conflicts or feelings of hatred, enmity, or ill will between distinct racial, religious, regional groups, language, communities, or castes; is liable to be penalized under the Indian Penal Code, Section 153A.

Acts that are prejudicial to the preservation of harmony between the different types of races, religions, languages, religious groups, communities or castes, are penalized under this section. In addition to this, the section is also liable to penalize the acts that disturb or are likely to cause any disturbances in public tranquility.

Infuriating Religious Beliefs

A photo, comment, post, cartoon, etc., which infuriates religious feelings of any class of Indian citizen is liable to be penalized under Indian Penal Code, Section 295A.

This IPC Section is also liable to penalize any such Facebook update/activity that disrespects or attempts to offend religious beliefs or any religion itself for a class of Indian citizens.

Injuring Religious Feelings

Any activity/update on Facebook which is made with the purpose of hurting any person’s religious beliefs / feelings is punished under the Indian Penal Code, Section 298.

Also, the Information Technology Act, Section 66A is applicable to such cases as; sending electronic messages that are offensive.


A politician cannot be accused publicly on Facebook, of corruption or cases whatsoever; unless he/she has been found & proven guilty for their offense, by a court of law. Committing such an activity is considered a severe offense by the law and punishable by 3 years of imprisonment.

Accusing a politician for committing an offense, for which they haven’t been found & proven as guilty for, by a court of law; is a punishable offense under the laws stated below:

1. Defamation

2. Sending electronic messages that are offensive

Acts Covered

The acts that can get you in trouble include; comments, posts, messages, etc., along with “liking/sharing” of such activities on Facebook.

Laws Applied

Indian Penal Code: Section 499

Information Technology Act: Section 66A



Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point B.

Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Many do it for fun, but the law considers addressing someone disrespectfully, a seriously offensive activity for which the accused could land in jail for up to 3 years.

Let’s take the example of a term very commonly used for impolitely addressing someone; Idiot. Going by the dictionary meaning; Idiot means “a person of low intelligence” or one who is “mentally deficient”.

Since, it isn’t quite possible to prove if a person is really an “idiot”. Thus, referring to someone with such disrespectful terms is considered a punishable offense under the following two laws:

1. Defamation

2. Sending electronic messages that are offensive

Acts Covered

Posting such a contemptuous message, comment, etc., as well as “sharing/liking” them can land a person in huge trouble.

Laws Applied

Indian Penal Code: Section 499

Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point B.

Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Everybody has got a physical appearance different from the other. However, that clearly does not give anyone the permission to ridicule someone on the basis of their physical appearance, whatsoever.

Doing this is a severe offense and could result in imprisoning the offender in jail for up to 3 years.

According to a normal Indian context, ridiculing someone on the basis of their physical appearance may cause it to be assumed that the individual’s body is under a disgraceful or loathsome condition. Thus, the act would be considered punishable under the following laws:

1. Defamation

2. Sending electronic messages that are offensive

Acts Covered

Activities that involve posting, commenting, or even liking/sharing, such posts are liable to be considered as a punishable offense and could possibly land the accused person in trouble.

Indian Penal Code: Section 499

Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point B.

Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Referring someone disrespectfully, however, is a serious punishable offense and could possibly land the accused in jail for 3 years.

Similar to disrespecting someone on the basis of their physical appearance, referring to someone in a discourteous manner (something like; ugly pimples) causes it to be regarded as a person having their body/appearance in a disgraceful or repugnant condition, which is punished under the following laws:

1. Defamation

2. Sending electronic messages that are offensive

Acts Covered

Activities on Facebook involving messages, posts, or comments, etc., along with liking/sharing of such posts could get the offender into trouble.

Laws Applied

Indian Penal Code: Section 499

Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point B.

Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Ordering something online from notable eCommerce websites and reporting the delivery issues on Facebook wall is absolutely legal, however, under certain conditions.

Always remember to take note of the points listed below while making such a post:

1. State only the facts of your issue/inconvenience caused

2. Ensure that no sarcastic statements are made in the process


The laws of Facebook, in no manner, violate the Constitution of India.

According to Article 19 of The Constitution of India, gives all citizens of India the right to freedom of speech & expression.

In addition to that, The Constitution of India also permits the Government to create laws that enforce “reasonable restrictions” on this fundamental right on account of the following reasons:


Creating an account with a fake username (or, using someone’s name) is a serious criminal offense for which the account holder is liable to be imprisoned for 2 years.

The liability can extend up to 3 more years in jail, if the account holder posts any comment, sends a friend request, or send just one message using the fake account.

Acts Covered

Only the creation of an account with a fake name or in someone’s name (without their knowledge or consent) extents to forgery.

In addition to that, if the account creation purpose was to harm someone’s reputation, at that point it is considered as ‘forgery with the purpose of harming a reputation’.

Further, if this account is used in any activity, it is then observed as ‘sending electronic messages that are offensive’.

Laws Applied

1. Indian Penal Code: Section 465 & 469

2. Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point E.

Forgery With the Purpose of Harming a Reputation

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point F.

Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Such an activity is considered as a severe offense and only the creation of an account using a celebrity’s name holds the accounts bearer liable to imprisonment of 2 years.

In addition to that, if the creator sends a message, posts a comment, or even send one friend request via the account created in the name of a celebrity, then the consequence of it will be an additional 3 years of imprisonment.

Acts Covered

Creating a profile using a celebrity’s name, accounts under the offense of ‘forgery’.

Moreover, if the account is used, that will amount to ‘sending electronic messages that are offensive’.

Further, when the account is found to be created with the purpose of hurting a respective celebrity’s reputation, then the act will amount to ‘forgery with the purpose of harming a reputation’.

Laws Applied

Indian Penal Code: Section 465 & 469

Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point E.

Forgery With the Purpose of Harming a Reputation

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point F.

Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Tagging someone without their consent, on an offensive photo is a punishable offense. And the responsible person is liable to be imprisoned for 3 years in jail. Such an activity amounts to sending electronic messages that are offensive.

Law Applied

Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Posting an obscene or offensive media (photo or video), is an activity that makes you liable for 3 years of imprisonment.

Acts Covered

Additionally, if the photo/video consists of sexually explicit content, then the liability extends up to 5 more years in jail.

Moreover, if the posted media consist of a sexually explicit act involving children, then a liability of 5 more years of imprisonment is applicable.

Laws Applied

Information Technology: Sections 67,67A &67B

Posting Obscene Photo/Video

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point G.

Photo/Video Depicting A Sexually Explicit Act

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point H.

Photo/Video Depicting Children In Sexually Explicit Act

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point I.


An obscene photo posted by someone even on their own wall, if visible to you in your account feeds, violates the law and is a serious offense which is liable for imprisonment up to 3 years.

However, if the media (photo/video) consists of sexually explicit act, the offender is then liable to be imprisoned for 5 more years.

Moreover, if such photo/video consists of sexually explicit acts involving children makes the offender liable to an extra 5 years of imprisonment.

Laws Applied

Information Technology Act: Section 67, 67A, and 67B.

Posting Obscene Photo/Video

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point G.

Photo/Video Depicting A Sexually Explicit Act

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point H.

Photo/Video Depicting Children In Sexually Explicit Act

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point I.


Usage of abusive language in a comment, post, whatsoever, is considered a serious crime and a liability of 3 years in jail is created.

Laws Applied

Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Abusing directly or otherwise is an offense. If you use asterisk marks instead of directly spelling the abusive word, it is still considered an offense. However, the meaning must be apparent (e.g. rather than FOOL, you say F**L). The offense is punishable with 3 years of jail.

Laws Applied

Information Technology Act: Section 66A


Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.


Sending someone a threatening message on Facebook is an offensive act and can be penalized as sending electronic messages that are offensive and a liability of up to 3 year in jail is created.

Also, based on the threat in the message, an additional penalty can vary from imprisonment of 2 years to 7 years in jail.

Moreover, in case the threatening text is sent from a fake account (or in any way that was attempted with the purpose of hiding name/sender details), then an additional punishment of 2 years in jail, may apply.

Laws Applied

Information Technology Act: Section 66A

Indian Penal Code: Section 506 & 507


Sending Electronic Messages That Are offensive

Please refer “Some Commonly Used Terms” section, Point C.

Sending Threatening Messages

Sending threatening text messages to someone on Facebook may be regarded as “criminal intimidation” as per the Indian Penal Code Section 503.

The section is applied when someone is threatened by, in the form of:

1. Physical harm

2. Damage of reputation

3. Damage of property

The threat does not necessarily need to be directed at the victim. But, such an act will be taken into consideration as an act of violence if a person in relation with the victim; as a friend, family, or employee, etc., is affected in the process.

This IPC Section is applied if a threat is purposed to alert or force the victim in order to either do something or omit doing something.

NOTE: Sending a proper legal notice to someone wouldn’t be considered as a criminal intimidation, even though the notice impends to threaten taking legal action against an individual’s property.

Sending Serious Threats

The Indian Penal Code Section 506 covers this activity and is applied in case the threat causes:

1. Grievous hurt,

2. Death,

3. Murder,

4. Destructing a property by fire,

5. Rape,

6. Maligning the character of a woman,

7. Dacoity, etc.

Such consequences are liable to punish the offender with imprisonment of either description for a period (extendable to 7 years) or with fine or both.

Sending Threatening Messages from a Fake Account

In case a threatening messages has been sent from a fake account (any manner that hides the name/details of the sender), it is dealt under Indian Penal Code Section 507.


An offensive message, post, or photo, whether found unpleasant by the victim or not, if offends someone in relation with them, may be penalized as “sending electronic messages that are offensive” and will be punishable with imprisonment in jail for up to 3 years.

If by any chance, the photo appears to be obscene, an additional 3 years of imprisonment may apply.

Laws Applied

Information Technology Act: Section 66A & 67


Before you post anything on Facebook, simply ask yourself this one question:

If this comment/photo/post were related to me or my family, would I be outraged?
If the answer is yes, do not proceed.

Kindly, avoid the following types of posts/messages/comments and also ensure not to even like or share them as well.

Ridiculing someone on Facebook – Minister, Government Official, a Celebrity, or an                   ordinary person, whatsoever.

Disrespecting a religion on Facebook.

Usage of derogatory terms to refer to someone – idiot, corrupt, ugly, fat pig, or anything           much worse.

Also, make sure you:

Don’t create any Facebook account using a fake name.

Don’t create a Facebook account using a celebrity’s name.

Don’t tag anyone in an offensive or obscene photo / video.

Don’t post an obscene or offensive photo / video.

Don’t make use of abusive language on Facebook, referring to someone or otherwise.

Don’t threaten anyone on Facebook through message, post, comment, etc.


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